
Tracing Overview

Tracing is a technique used in software development to monitor and record specific information about a program's execution. It's a crucial part of debugging and performance analysis, allowing developers to understand how a program behaves at runtime, and identify any potential issues or bottlenecks.

Key Aspects of Tracing

  • Visibility: Tracing provides visibility into the transaction flow and its interaction with different functions, making it easier to pinpoint errors or inefficiencies.

  • Performance Analysis: By analyzing trace logs, developers can identify slow operations and optimize them to improve overall performance.

  • Debugging: Tracing allows developers to examine the state of a program at various points in execution, facilitating easier debugging of complex issues.

  • Monitoring: In production environments, tracing can be used to monitor the health and performance of applications, aiding in proactive maintenance.

Blocktorch's Tracing capabilities

  • Stack traces for smart contract transactions

  • Invocation flows to follow through the tree of function invocations visually

  • End-2-End Traces across different systems by creating a full span starting from the user action in your application's User Interface

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