Pre-made dashboards
Blocktorch aims at providing the fastest data insights into your dApp stack, so we have created a number of pre-made dashboards throughout the platform based on user feedback.
Home dashboard
In Blocktorch the home of your project always provides global KPIs about all your smart contracts out of the box, zero set up time from your side required. You can gain instant insights about the total unique users, gas burn, transaction velocity as well as monitors about the performance, efficiency and health of your dApp.
To navigate to the home dashboard anytime click the burning torch in the top left of the navigation. In case your torch is not on fire please do not panic, we are working hard on restoring all services, you can check our status page anytime.
Hover over the chart to see the tooltip with specific data points. To hide data simply click on the respective legend.
Want to add custom monitors to the home dashboard? Please let us know
Contract details page dashboard
Every smart contract that has been added to your project has its own details page. To access the details page click the contract in your smart contract overview.
You can gain instant insights about the total unique wallets, gas burn, transaction values as well as revert rates of each smart contract.
To dig deeper into the logs of the data visualized, click on the specific data point in the chart you are interested to learn more about and click Related Transactions
Want to add custom monitors to the contract details dashboard? Please let us know
Oracle details page dashboard
Every oracle supported by blocktorch has its own details page. To access the details page click the oracle in your Oracles overview.
You can gain instant insights about the the performance, efficiency and health of the oracle and compare it to others.
Want to add custom monitors to the oracle details dashboard? Please let us know
Transaction detail analytics dashboard
In the log details, there are four out of the box KPIs for this specific function call with a reference to which datapoint this specific transaction is throughout the timeline.
Want to add custom monitors to the log detail analytics dashboard? Please let us know
Last updated